Do you have a History majors from a reputable university and want to leverage your writing skills to make money? If so, then there are a few things that must be considered before you take the leap and start looking for freelance writing jobs. In this article, we provide some tips that can ensure that you become an invaluable writer for whichever company your work and can get writing jobs frequently.
Knowing the nature of the industry can prove useful when searching for online writing jobs that focus on history articles and essays. The industry is choke full of all and sundry writing companies, many of which are fraudulent in nature. If you want to avoid falling prey to them, it is important that you take some time out to do your own bit of research and get assistance from your peers and seniors who are working in this industry.
Regardless of which type of writing job you have, research is a prerequisite that cannot be foregone. Not only will you improve your research skills while understanding what to write upon, but you will also familiarize yourself with the current trends and worldviews of other scholars and writers on the subject. A history article that isn’t thoroughly researched is fairly easy to spot and can really dampen the clients’ confidence in your work.
Marketing cannot be overlooked if you are going to make headways into your freelancing career. If you don’t have enough work to flaunt on your website, having a PDF file that showcases your work and references can work wonders. Pay attention to the queries that you receive from potential clients and find out what you can add into your promotional PDF.
The benefits of working as a freelance writer can sometimes work against you. It can be easy to get complacent when you’re not required to report to a work place. That is why it is important that you keep a schedule and stick to it. This will allow you to meet your stipulated deadlines and create a work-life balance. Furthermore, giving each client the attention that they deserve will be directly reflected in your work and make the client confident in your work.
Price can fall into one of the two categories – hourly or per project. Most freelancers avoid an hourly rate as it can become tough to work with. This also gives the client the opportunity to nitpick and compare your work with someone else’s and the time it took to complete it.
The truth of the matter is that there are various processes that occur behind the scenes that the client is not aware of that can make hourly billing a tedious task. It is best to work with project rates instead. It makes it easier for the client as well as yourself when putting a price on a finished product on the whole.
These tips should allow freelance writers to get decent paying writing and editing jobs when writing history articles and assignments. They will also allow you to manage your time and ensure that you deliver the best content possible every time.